Tech Changes Expectations

A few years ago I was standing near a lady on a street corner. She was speaking very clearly, in a slightly louder-than-inside-voice sort of a way as if she were on a cell phone. Having a businessey-type conversation. But I saw no cell phone. I averted my eyes, and waited nervously for the light to change.


The light changed, I proceeded quickly. When I felt I had reached a safe distance, I took a quick glance back at the sadly crazy lady and noticed…

a big, brushed silver colored blue-tooth attachment over her ear.

Yep. Not crazy. Exec on a hands-free cell phone.

Yesterday I was standing near a lady on a street corner. She was speaking very clearly, in a slightly louder-than-inside-voice sort of a way as if she were on a cell phone. Having a businessey-type conversation. But I saw no cell phone. Our eyes met and I politely nodded, not wanting her to think I was eves dropping while we waited for the light to change…

The light changed, I proceeded casually. When I felt I had reached a safe distance, I took a quick glance back and noticed…she was still on the corner, no hands-free device…gesturing to an invisible person in front of her.

“The first thing they do when you become homeless is deprive you of liquids. They want your liquids. That’s the first thing they do. Then the cement goes on the side of your shoe. Yes. Your shoe. Along the side here. Like yours. But the first thing they do when you become homeless is deprive you of liquids. Do you feel the cement?”

Tech changes expectations. Yep.


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