Cooking Magazine Storage

I’ve been collecting cooking magazines for years. Cooking Light, Bon Appetit, Food & Wine, Cook’s Illustrated, Cook’s Country, Vegetarian Times, etc.

The bad part is that I have an incredibly difficult time getting rid of them. Oh sure, just pull the recipes you want and toss, right? Not so easy when some of them are filled to the brim with great sounding dishes, and there is no way I’ll get through all of them before the next month’s issue arrives.

On of my multiple Cooking Magazine shelves.

Solution? George’s scanner saves the day again! I’m starting with Cooking Light because I don’t value the instructions and articles nearly as much as I do the general ideas for lightened dishes. So I am removing staples, removing ads and articles, and providing George with the pages containing recipes to scan. He’s going to save them by Magazine Brand and by year, and when I need ideas, I just go and do a search for “Chicken” or “Pasta” and that’s what pages I will get 🙂

One of my many piles of cooking magazines, but this one is unbound pages ready to be purged of articles and ads, scanned and recycled!

My favorites and go-to items I keep printed and put in a binder, but what a great place to stow everything else!


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