RIP Jack LaLanne

Just heard that Jack LaLanne passed away today at the age of 96.  If you don’t know who he is, the New York Times, as usual, has a very nicely done obituary. This is a must-read. Would you believe doctors warned him that working out with weights would give people heart attacks and sexual problems?

He is the Godfather of what we understand to be a super-fit lifestyle. In 2011 it is normal (even a fad) to go to gyms, lift weights, and watch our diets in order to maintain our health. He is a big reason why that is. He was decades ahead of his time.

So in his honor, I’m going to make sure I get the hell out of bed Monday morning and get to Spinning Class. And for the first time in probably about two months, I am going make sure I get the hell out of bed Tuesday morning to get my weights in too.

Thanks Mr. LaLanne!


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